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I Heard a Siren for the First Time Today [Powerful Poem Honoring Fallen Officers]

Jonathan Parker

National Police Week is upon us, and it is a time of mixed emotions. We grieve for our Fallen, and yet we have a sense of pride in having known them and having the opportunity to continue the watch for them.

Just over six years ago, my agency was faced with one of our own being murdered in the line of duty.

Out of that tragedy, a police supporter in our community wrote this very powerful and gripping poem. I thought I'd share it with you.

I Heard a Siren for the First Time Today

I heard a Siren for the first time today What made it different were my thoughts have changed Over my life it was always the same, someone had an accident, committed a crime, or needed help in someway It’s as if my eyes were opened, as I heard them say “The man in blue died today.”

I heard a Siren for the first time today Never will I hear it, in quite the same way For when the sound pierces the air My attention turns to offer a prayer To protect the man answering a plea From another asking, “Please come to me.” My thoughts are for his safety, and family I pray. I heard a Siren for the first time today.

Dedicated to the memory of Sergeant Timothy Chapin, Chattanooga Police Department who died in service on April 2, 2011, God truly blessed us with your presence.

Richard L. Cox, Sr

Reprinted with permission

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