Brian Willis is a law enforcement veteran, trainer, thought leader, and the "WIN" guy. In this episode, he teaches us to apply what he calls "Life's Most Powerful Question," the acronym W.I.N. - What's Important Now?, to the six areas of life discussed in the Watch Your Six Podcast.
How does Brian apply the W.I.N. concept to “Watch Your Six?”
Mental Health
What's important now is reaching out for help, and understanding that getting the help you need is a sign of strength and courage.
Marital Health
What's important now is to go home and spend time with your family. You can’t balance work and life because they are both competing for your time. What’s important is to use the time when you are not at work with your family, being present, and investing in your relationships.
Muscle Health
What's important now is to find and create rituals concerning eating, sleeping, and fitness habits, and make the commitment to take care of yourself.
Money Health
What's important now is to plan for retirement before you have 20+ years on the job. Begin now to assess where you will be financially, and make adjustments that will establish success in the future.
Missional Health
What's important now is to stop watching the news and getting caught up in the us-vs-them mentality. Understand that most people in our communities, though the “silent majority,” support us. What’s important is for us to keep going back to our “why” we began serving in law enforcement and provide the best possible service to them.
Ministry Health
What's important now is that we maintain the human spirit, the warrior spirit, through courage, integrity, and professionalism. We must look after ourselves, which will allow us to provide the greatest service to those in our community.
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