My name is Jonathan Parker.
I'm a professional communicator, trainer, podcaster, and veteran law enforcement officer.
My passion is people...beginning with my family. I'm married to Meredith, and together we have a beautiful daughter named Olivia.
My gift is communicating. I've spent nearly half of my life developing this gift, and have spoken hundreds of times to audiences ranging in size from small groups to filled auditoriums.
I began speaking in faith-based contexts in 2001, and developed versatility after becoming a full-time, sworn law enforcement officer in 2007. My responsibilities have included serving as an Adjunct Training Instructor for area police agencies, School Resource Officer in both a high school and middle school setting, and Lead Chaplain for a 400+ person agency. I've spoken regularly to students of all ages, and trained faculty and staff at elementary, middle, high school, and collegiate levels. I've also spoken regularly in front of community leaders as a keynote speaker. In addition to my work locally, I am a regular keynote speaker and conference presenter nationwide, I hosted a weekly podcast for law enforcement families that produced over 85 resource-packed episodes, and serve as the Founding Pastor of Cop Church Chattanooga.
My story is unique and inspiring. I was twice named "Officer of the Year" for the Chattanooga, TN Police Department, received two life-saving medals - one for performing CPR on my wife after a life threatening heart attack, and received a Homeland Security Award from Tennessee Governor Phil Bredeson.
For more information, visit my speaking page or connect with me via email, Facebook, Twitter, or at Cop Church Chattanooga.